Red dead redemption 2
Red dead redemption 2

Upon discovery, you can barge in, threaten the shopkeeper and loot their side business. One thing I really enjoyed doing was uncovering hidden operations of seemingly law-abiding shopkeepers. This will bring in money not just for you but also for your camp, allowing it to stock up on resources that you can utilize later on.

red dead redemption 2

If you prefer more straightforward tasks, you can rob bandwagons and homesteads with your gang members. Hunt down prey for pelt and food Become a Thief You can then carry their pelt to a nearby trapper and use it to craft legendary outfits for yourself. Doing so will allow you to track them and execute them. You will have access to a map that shows their approximate location, and once you reach there, you must look around for clues using your Eagle Eye. Dispersed throughout the map are 12 legendary creatures sought after for bragging rights and their pelt. Hunting is one of my favorite activities in the game. You can access these at specific times of the day, such as helping out Albert Mason, the photographer. Others missions are simply highlighted on the map. For instance, there is a card collector who offers to pay you a handsome sum for assembling 12 cigarette cards scattered throughout the map. You can initiate most of these side missions by interacting with NPCs who might ask for favors such as rescuing captives or collecting a specific item.

red dead redemption 2

Apart from the highly engaging main storyline, the game offers a host of side missions. There is just an endless amount of things to do in Red Dead Redemption 2. This is how all games should look like… Never a Dull Moment Few games today can match what RDR2 offers in terms of visual storytelling. Once midnight arrives, you can see the galaxies in all their glory, and when a storm brews, you can gaze in awe at the forks of lightning amidst the rumbling thunder and pattering rain. When the occasional rain strikes, it will make the world more beautiful than ever as the water reflects off the surrounding structures. The weather is also constantly changing within the game, adding to the realism. Birds chirp in the background, wolves howl in the distance, and alligators growl, searching for a meal. From the snow-capped mountains in the Grizzlies to the desolate swamps in Bluewater Marsh in the East, the developers have spared no effort in making the environment as immersive as possible. The size of the map means that there are a lot of diverse locations to explore and marvel at. Blades of grass dance around in the gentle breeze, blood and mud gather on your clothes over time, your pistol gleams in the rain as the water pours down, the shadows lengthen as noon approaches, and snow brushes off trees as you make contact talk about attention to detail! Rockstar specializes in getting the little things right in every one of its titles, and Red Dead Redemption 2 is no exception. Make no mistake Rockstar has created a visual masterpiece.

red dead redemption 2

But the game quickly proved me wrong through these engaging encounters, which brought a distinct and paramount dimension to the game.

red dead redemption 2

When I first started the game, I thought I would get bored of constantly having to ride on horseback. These random exchanges with the world around me made my journey from point A to point B all the more enjoyable. Interactions like these made me care about the NPCs in a way other games just haven’t been able to do, and it’s one of the many areas that Red Dead Redemption 2 thrives in. Seeing as he had a family to feed, I decided to abolish the debt, which increased my honor ranking. For instance, a struggling debtor offered to repay his dues by giving me a possession of substantial value as he did not have any cash. On the other hand, if you threaten and rob passersby, your honor level will drop. Help out an NPC or do something admirable, and the meter will slide to the right, indicating people view you as a virtuous person. This system determines the outlook the general population has of you. The choices you make will impact your honor ranking. You can even play poker with NPCs! The Honor System

Red dead redemption 2